Good Side Hustles

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Extra cash is always a good idea, right? Of course it is! Even if you’re just going to make a little, here’s a list of good side hustles that you can get set up pretty quickly.

First, though, what is a side hustle?

A side hustle is any way to make an extra bit of money, but isn’t your only source of income.

They can be regular work, or something you just do once in a blue moon. You may have a special skill that makes you qualified, or it might be super easy.

The only real qualification is that you’re willing to put in the hustle to make it happen.

Good Side Hustles

Good Side Hustles From Home

The easier it is to do, the more likely you are to start. So the first group we’ll talk about is good side hustles from home. You’ll need an internet connection for all of these, and a bit of a skillset for some of them.

If you don’t know how to do any of these, just head to YouTube. You very likely can learn what you need for these good side hustles online.


Even with growing AI options, there is a ton of need for writers in different places. Here are a few examples:

  • Content writing to fill up websites
  • Scriptwriting for commercials/podcasts
  • Greeting card writing
  • Speech writing for local politicians

Get creative in your local community, and you might be surprised who would pay you for this.

Video Editing

Just like writing, the internet is filled with videos. Editing tools and AI are making this faster and faster, but there’s still a need for someone with taste to manage the process.

Social Media Management

Every business has a social media presence (if yours doesn’t, please get in touch so we can help you). They need people to post, comment, interact, and answer messages. You can do that from your sofa.

Graphic Design

This is another one where the sky is the limit. From Valentine’s Day cards to corporate brochures, or logos to signs in a restaurant. Get creative.

Virtual Assistant

The pay on this one is often a race to the bottom, but if you do some quality networking, you might be good money to help someone keep their life and/or business organized.

Side Hustles that Pay Well

Good Side Hustles to Make Money In Your City

Sometimes you have to put your shoes on and go outside, but that’s ok. Fresh air is good for you. It doesn’t matter if you live in a big city or small town, there are a lot of possibilities for good side hustles to make money where you live.

Tour Guide

You know the main sites and the local hangouts in your town. Get a few ads up wherever visitors will look, and they might just pay you to show them around.

Personal Chef

Are you good at cooking? Not everyone is. And even if they are, many people don’t have the time. Whether you cook at your place and bring it over, or you work your magic in their kitchen, you can make somebody dinner to remember. This is one of the good side hustles that even tastes good!

Personal Trainer

Are you a gym rat? Or just someone who’s disciplined enough to not skip leg day? Just like cooking, there are a lot of people who need help from someone who has a bit more knowledge than they do.

Laundry Services

If you’re ready to get your hands dirty, you can make some good cash just by taking things to a laundromat, washing, drying, folding, and ironing. Look at it this way, you’ll get to listen to a lot of podcasts while you work.


There aren’t many feelings better than helping a stressed-out kid get a better grade. You’re probably knowledgeable in at least one area, and that’s all they need.

Photography for Stock Images

Here are the requirements for stock images:

  • A smartphone with a good camera
  • One or more eyeballs
  • An internet connection

If you have those, then you’re qualified to make stock photography. There’s no guarantee it will sell, but there are a lot of places you can upload it and wait for someone to want it.

So start clicking that shutter.

Unique Side Hustles

Easy Side Hustles In Your Neighborhood

Some things require a little bit more physical effort, but that doesn’t mean you have to go too far. There are plenty of easy side hustles you can do in your neighborhood without a big skillset.

Walk Dogs

If you live in a place where people have dogs, chances are someone will pay you to walk theirs. There are apps and other services for this, but don’t underestimate the potential of a simple brochure on a lamppost. Dog owners will stare at it while waiting for their dog to… um… conduct its business.

Wash Windows

This will be significantly different if you live in a land of skyscrapers, but this easy task is tedious enough that most people don’t want to do it.

Cut Grass

Just like washing windows, this has to be done a lot, and a lot of people don’t want to do it at all.

Paint Fences

You can target painting of anything, really. But fences are a good start because they need touching up a lot, and they aren’t as big of a commitment.

Pet Sitting

A lot of people travel, and they want someone to watch their dog, cat, and man-eating snake. Just don’t let it eat you.

Fixing Things

Are you handy with tools? A lot of us aren’t, and we could really use your help putting on that new door handle or fixing that light switch.

Moving Things

If you don’t hate moving, you’re either lying or you’ve never moved. Whether it’s packing boxes, carrying them, or organizing the new place, you can definitely be of help.

House Cleaning

Houses and apartments are like windows and grass – someone has to constantly maintain them. It’s not super challenging, but it can be steady work.

Car Washing

Once you’re done in the house, you can work on your tan while washing the car.

Pet Grooming

Remember all those dogs and cats you watched? They also need grooming services, and it’s great if you can go to their house to do it.


Don’t forget about human kids! Whether on a regular schedule or just a last-minute date night, the rates increase depending on the desperation of the parents.

Ready To Start Your Side Hustle?

Good side hustles really just require you to get started. And if you need help with anything – from choosing a name to general branding – we are happy to help!

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